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 1. danah boyd  social networks live  the knowledge tree http://kt.flexiblelearning.net.au 
 2. Albert Maruggi  Ning and Social Networks  Marketing Edge 
 3. Albert Maruggi  Ning and Social Networks  Marketing Edge 
 4. WNYC, New York Public Radio  Gated Social Networks  On The Media 
 5. Rita K, Craig  Episode 24: Sleuthing on Social Networks  KCLL's SideBar, Episode 24 
 6. Rob McNealy  Using Social Networks for Marketing & Promotion  TPN :: The Connections Show 
 7. Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions  Mediacast 12 - Werbetreibende und Social Networks   
 8. Todd Cochrane  GNC-2008-05-16 #374 Rant on Spam in Social Networks  geeknewscentral.com 
 9. Albert Maruggi  Best Buy's Blue Shirt Nation - Keys to Social Networks  Marketing Edge 
 10. Albert Maruggi  Best Buy's Blue Shirt Nation - Keys to Social Networks  Marketing Edge 
 11. Albert Maruggi  Best Buy's Blue Shirt Nation - Keys to Social Networks  Marketing Edge 
 12. Interview with Alan Porter of WebWorks  Pushing Your Company into the Wikis, Blogs, and Social Networks of Web 2.0  Tom Johnson, www.idratherbewriting.com 
 13. Yochai Benkler  The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom  BCLT / I School / boalt.org IP Speakers Series 
 14. Yaro Starak  Interview with Steve Iser about using Social Networks for Marketing - www.entrepreneurs-journey.com  - 
 15. Jon Udell, Antonio Rodriguez  A conversation with Antonio Rodriguez about Tabblo, photo albums, and social networks  Interviews with Innovators: Jon Udell's Friday Podcasts 
 16. www.idratherbewriting.com, Tom Johnson  Social Networks and their Impact on Technical Communication, Interview with Scott Abel  Check out thecontentwrangler.ning.com 
 17. Claudio Schapsis  Interview with Shane Lennon About Location Based Social Networks Business  www.bdnooz.com 
 18. Yochai Benkler  The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom -- BCLT / iSchool / boalt.org IP Speakers Series  - 
 19. Head Circus  social sea live.mp3   
 20. Crookers  Live @ Social Club in Paris   
 21. Fox Gut Daata  Live at Ballers Social Club 13th Feb 09  Rhythm Incursions Podcasts 
 22. Annie Mao  Thrive Live! Social Media and Recruitment: Creating Your Own Brand  Thrive Live! Social Media and Recruitment: Creating Your Own Brand 
 23. Jim Norton & Taylor Carik  Flak Radio Live at the West Bank Social Center  Flak Radio 
 24. Arjen ter Hoeve  Session 44 - the story of the social psychology - part 1 .... 0:28 - Introduction .... 1:45 - Social Cognition, Prejudice ....12:59 - Today in the history ....13:52 - Impression, Self Perception, etc  MindPodcast.com 
 25. Dave Warner  LFL 0012: Social Media, New Media and Marketing Live Show   
 26. Craig Newmark  Innovation in Social Entrepreneurship and the Social Uses of ICT  Distinguished Lecture Series, UC Berkeley School of Information 
 27. Gary Hinson  Getting in Front of Social Engineering - Part 2: Identifying Social Engineering Attempts and Attacks  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 28. Bill Carter  Desperate Networks   
 29. Yury Lifshits  Complext Networks  Algorithms for Internet 
 30. Heiko Mor  positive networks  positive networks ep 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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